Sunday, June 7, 2015

MCAT Vocabulary Lessons



5. Abstruse

Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge


Obscure, complex, puzzling

How to Memorize:

Abstruse rhyme with CONFUSE,there is confusion when things are not clear OR
AB stress nahi doge or brain USE(last 2 alphabets) nahi karoge then you wont be able to understand anything.Difficult to understand.




To get used to new place. Get used to a certain climate.




Adjust, adapt, accommodate



How to Memorize:

Adjust ACCording to CLIMATE = acclimate OR
ac+climate : according to the climate; You have to adapt yourself according to the climate change.

7. Accolade

A tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction


Award, commendation, praise

How to Memorize:

It sounds like chocolate.. parents accolade if kids do home work properly Or
Accolade ac=accept,take; col= college; ade=aid; College aid is given as an award of merit. OR
A+Cool+Aide is a praise for the effort by a Distinction Student





To increase over a period of time




Accumulate, collect, mount up



How to Memorize:

 Sounds like 1 crore, one who has 1 crore bucks will do the following :acquire, amass, collect, earn, gain, grow, increase, multiply, redound, snowball, swell, these are the synonyms of ACCRUE.   OR
Sounds like AKRU (Akarnay wala-Proudy) a person becomes AKRU when he gains a lot.

9. Acquiesce

To accept without arguing




Consent to, allow, comply with


How to Memorize:

acQUIEsce..concentrate on the part quie. and remember quiet.. which means submissive.. or imagine some1 who is quiet will give in without any protest. OR
 Acquiesce = A(Agree) + quie(Quietly) = Comply passively.


A man who calculates insurance premiums




Statistician, accountant



How to Memorize:

How we find out the ACTUAL calculations...henceACTUARY is a person who does calculations and deals with a lot of numerical data.





11. Acumen

Ability to understand and decide quickly


Wisdom, smartness, cleverness

How to Memorize:

acumen sounds like IQ-men. men with high IQ have ability to judge quickly (has keen insight). OR
ACUTE+MIND   acute means sharp.  OR
 acumen sounds like "IQ-man" or "a quick man" which grasps quickly


Consisting of or having the hardness of adamant


Strong, stubborn, adamant

How to Memorize:

Ada+man tine = Admi ki adaa => “Man” a symbol of strength. OR
DA-The + MAN = Symbol of strength

13. Addled

Confused and vague; used especially of thinking.


Baffle, puzzle,complex

How to Memorize:

Addled sounds like toddler who is always confused. OR

14. Admonition


Scolding, rebuke, advice, exhortation

How to Memorize:

Adm(in)+on(e)+(pun)ish : (net)admin in the company is one step away (Giving strong warning now) from punishing you.bcoz you are accessing prohibited network sites.



15. Adroitness

Skilful performance or ability without difficulty


Expertise, adeptness, capability

How to Memorize:

 Remember with Detroit which is famous for its motorcycles,which are made by able, adept, artful, brainy, canny, clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, facile, finished, good, handy, ingenious people . OR
 Androids are a mix of human and machine, hence they are more dexterous than humans OR
 adroit ~ a + draw it : sounds like draw. for drawing something you must be skillful.





16. Affect

Have an effect upon.
Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon


Impress, alter, impact

How to Memorize:

It sounds like effect meaning to have an impact.

17. Affinity

A natural attraction or feeling of kinship


Affection, accord, link, resemblance

How to Memorize:

 affinity (replace the second f with k), and then the expansion goes like this: A F(eeling of) K(inship &) similar)ITY OR
Mathematicians have an affinity for infinity. OR

18. Akimbo

With hands on hips and elbows extending outward


Bent, bowed

How to Memorize:

(Sorry could’nt make for this at the moment,will be updated soon!)


19. Alacrity

Liveliness and eagerness


Eagerness, zest, swiftness

How to Memorize:

Take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative people are so eager to learn n create things differently. OR
alacrity sounds like AT+LAST+IN+CITY..a person who is first time in a big city is excited n eager to c da city...

20. Allay

Lessen the intensity of or calm


Lessen, dimmish, calm pacify

How to Memorize:

 allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao :D  OR
ALL- LAY- lay down and calm down..





21. Altruistic

Showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others


Kind, benevolent, benign

How to Memorize:

Al+tru.. someone who is always true i.e. somelike Quaid-e-Azam.. unselfish concern for welfare of others OR

22. Ambulatory

a covered walkway (as in a cloister)


Mobile, moving, ambulant

How to Memorize:

 After getting in ambulance we go to hospital get treatment and are finaly able to walk

23. Ameliorate

 To make better


Enhance, improve, benefit

How to Memorize:

Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food.


24. Amenities

Things that make you comfortable and at ease


Comforts, benefits,conveniences

How to Memorize:

 A man at ease. OR

 Amenities ~ a + men + at + ease; things which can make life of a man easy are basic amenities.


25. Amorphous

 Having no definite form or distinct shape


Formless, unstructured, indefinite

How to Memorize:

In Greek 'morphe' means shape/form. So, amorphous(a + morph + ous) means 'without shape/shapeless'. Similarly 'morphing' means shaping(the original). 'Metamorphosis' = Change in form/nature. OR

 Amorphous = a[morf]us = on reversing morf become --> a+form+us(us sounds like less) i.e something without form.. or something lacking shape.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

MCAT Vocabulary Lessons

While preparing for MCAT .Many students face problem in memorizing vocabulary.This vocabulary is basically taken from GRE so,its difficult for us to understand and have them remembered. So,I will be trying my best to help you out in this area.
So,if you like this method,kindly let me know.So,that I continue it.


Lesson # 1


Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain.

Therapy,Piercing with help of needles
How to Memorize:

You know that there are some medical gadgets from a company named “ACCU” so,acu-medicinal & puncture-its simply you can remember in desi way – “Gari k tyre mein puncture(sorakh) hojana”. So, we get medicinal puncture.


The act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.

Oddity, peculiarity, anomaly
How to Memorize:

It sounds like abortion which is not normal delivery. Or
ab+err+ation.. in this if we concentrate on err.. which relates to error.. which is deviation from normal. Or
A person who drinks(a+ beer) acts differently from normal guy.. which is deviating for normal.


To reject something

Give up, renounce, abstain
How to Memorize:

ab-negate Prince Charming is negating ab-s from his life to look normal.its indeed a sacrifice. (to give up on something)
4. Absolution

The condition of being formally forgiven.

Amnesty, pardon, release
How to Memorize:

Look at solution. Your problems are diluted . i.e.. forgiven. Or
Ab(Now)+Solution given to problem by your mistake.

5. Abstruse

Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge

Obscure, complex, puzzling
How to Memorize:

Abstruse rhyme with CONFUSE,there is confusion when things are not clear Or
AB stress nahi doge or brain USE(last 2 alphabets) nahi karoge then you wont be able to understand anything.Difficult to understand.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Important Announcement !

From next month,I will start posting on this blog regarding MCAT. 

Stay Tuned !

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Physics Tips

Translational motion
x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1/2at2
Vƒ = Vo + at
Frictional force
max = μ Ν
μk < μs always
Uniform circular motion
Fc = mac = mv2 /r
ac= v2 /r
Momentum, Impulse
I = F Δt = ΔM
M = mv
Work, Power
W = F d cosθ
P = ΔW/Δt
Energy (conservation)
ET = Ek + Ep
E = mc2
Spring Force, Work
F = -kx
W = kx2 /2
Continuity (fluids)
A v = const.
ρAv = const.
Current and Resistance
I = Q/t
R = ρl/A
Resistors (series, par.)
Req = R1 + R2 . . .
1/ Req = 1/ R1 +1/ R2
dB = 10 log 10 (I/I0 )
beats = Δ f
Kirchoff's Laws
Σ= 0 at a junction 
ΣΔ= 0 in a loop
Q = mc Δ T (MCAT !)
Q = mL
Torque forces
L1 = F1× r1 (CCW + ve)
L2 = F2 × r2 (CW -ve)
Torque force at EQ
ΣFx = 0 and ΣFy = 0
Σ= 0
sin θ1 )/(sin θ2 ) = v1 /v2 = n2 /n1 = λ1 /λ2
n = c/

 Memorize as Pairs
F = ma
F = qE
Similar Form
F = KG m1 m2 r2 )
F = k q1 q2 r2 )

V = IR
P = IV
Paired Use
vav = Δ d / Δ t
aav = Δ v / Δ t
(avg vel, acc)
v = λ f
E = hf
(f = 1/T)
Ek = 1/2 mv2
Ep = mgh
(kin, pot E)
Ρ = F/A
Δ Ρ = ρgΔh
(pressure Ρ)
SG = ρ substance / ρ water
ρ = 1 g/cm3 = 103 kg/m3
(Spec Grav)
ρ = mass / volume
Fb = Vρg = mg
(buoyant F)
Irms = Imax / √2
Vrms = Vmax / √2
Root Mean Sq
1/ + 1/ = 1/ f = 2/r = Power
magnification = - i/o
Note: Specific gravity (SG) is equivalent to the fraction of the height of a buoyant object below the surface of the fluid.


Ρ + ρgh + 1/2 ρv2 = constant
Bernouilli's Equation
Fluids in Motion
L0 (1 + αΔ )
Linear Expansion
Solids, Temp Δ
A0(1 + γΔ )
Area Expansion

V0(1 + βΔ )
Volume Expansion
β = 3 α
fo = fs (V ± vo )/( ± vs )
Doppler Effect: when d is decreasing use + vo and - vs

Ed for a parallel plate capacitor
= the distance between the plates

dF = dq v(B sin α) = I dl(B sin α)
Laplace's Law
RH rule
1/ Ceq = 1/ C1 + 1/ C2 + 1/ C3 . . .
Capacitors in Ser. and Par.
Ceq C1 C2 . . .
Potential Energy ( PE ) = = 1/2 QV
Work in Electricity
= 1/2 CV2
Gibbs Free Energy
ΔG° = -RTln Keq


1) alpha (α) particle = 2He4 (helium nucleus);
2) beta (β) particle = -1e0 (an electron);
3) a positron +1e0 (same mass as an electron but opposite charge);
4) gamma (γ) ray = no mass, no charge, just electromagnetic energy;
5) Δ /Δ = rate of decay where Δ = change in mass, Δ = change in time.
6) If the number of half-lifes are known we can calculate the percentage of a pure radioactive sample left after undergoing decay since the fraction remaining = (1/2) n .
Nelectrons = 2 n2 , where Nelectrons designates the number of electrons in shell .
The state of each electron is determined by the four quantum numbers:
  • principal quantum number n determines the number of shells, possible values are: 1 (K), 2 (L), 3 (M), etc...
  • angular momentum quantum number l, determines the subshell, possible values are: 0 (s), 1 (p), 2 (d), 3 (f), n-1, etc...
  • magnetic momentum quantum number ml , possible values are: ± , ... , 0
  • spin quantum number ms ,determines the direction of rotation of the electron, possible values are: ±1/2.

sin θ = opp/hyp
cos θ = adj/hyp
tan θ =opp/adj
θ = sin -1 x
arcsec θ = sec-1θ
r2 = x2 + y2
  • angle θ may be given in radians (R) where 1 revolution = 2πR = 360°
  • estimate square root 3 as 1.7 and root 2 as 1.4
  • cross-sectional area of a tube = area of a circle = πr2 where π can be estimated as 3.14 and is the radius of the circle; circumference = 2πr


  • Both work and energy are measured in joules where 1 joule (J) = 1 × 1 . {Imperial units: the foot-pound , CGS units: the dyne-centimeter or erg }
  • The SI unit for power is the watt (W) which equals one joule per second (J/s) = volts × amperes .
  • Current is measured in amperes = coulombs/sec. The units of resistance are ohms, symbolized by Ω (omega), where 1 ohm = 1 volt/ampere.
  • The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (1 Pa = 1 N/m2 ). Other units are: 1.00 atm = 1.01 × 105 Pa = 1.01 bar = 760 mmHg = 760 torr.
  • The SI unit for the magnetic induction vector is the tesla where 1 T = 1 N/(A)(m) = 104 gauss.